JCC Scrap Metal II
Junk Lead

Scrap Metal Professional Services

197 Bangor Street, Lindenhurst, NY 11757

lead Junk Metal, JCC Scrap Metal II PHONE: (631) 816-2000 | Scrap Metal Recycling Professional Services, 197 Bangor Street, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 | jccscrapmetal2@gmail.com

Get a Lead Scrap Metal Quote Now

Lead Metal Recycling, Lindenhurst, NY

Turn Junk Metal Into Cash

Lead is found in car batteries, pigments, ammunition, cable sheathing, weights for lifting, weight belts for diving, lead crystal glass, radiation protection, and in some solders. It is often used to store corrosive liquids. Pure lead has a bright, silvery appearance with a hint of blue. It tarnishes on contact with moist air and takes on a dull appearance, the hue of which depends on the prevailing conditions. Characteristic properties of lead include high density, malleability, ductility, and high resistance to corrosion due to passivation. JCC Scrap Metal II pays top dollar for junk lead on the spot in Lindenhurst, NY!

Junk lead, Scrap Metal Recycling Professional Services, Lindenhurst, NY - Graphic | Suffolk County, Long Island, NY | JCC Scrap Metal II, 631-816-2000, jccscrapmetal2@gmail.com

Junk Cars, Trucks, & SUVs
Free Pick Up

Professional Junk Car, Truck, SUV, & Scrap Metal Recycling throughout Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Staten Island, & Westchester. We proudly service all 5 boroughs of NY

Please Call: (631) 816-2000
Please Email: jccscrapmetal2@gmail.com

lead,Scrap Metal Recycling Professional Services, Lindenhurst, NY - Graphic | Suffolk County, Long Island, NY | JCC Scrap Metal II, 631-816-2000, jccscrapmetal2@gmail.com

Junk Cars, Truck, SUV%
Junk Van%
Catalytic Converters%
Alloy Wheels%
Electrical Motors%

Certified Weight Scale On Premises

This insures an accurate amount paid to each client when the metal is weighed.